MAY 2018

The most important thing about this game is that it makes it really clear to students and anybody who plays this game that history is not just one story. It is a multiplicity of narratives and explanations and points of view. It’s a chance to understand how complicated history is.”

Sherry Smith, SMU Professor Emeritus/ Read Full Article

May 2024

“The Brave Course curriculum/materials are a game-changer in my classroom of diverse learners. From interactive lessons to thought-provoking activities, every component of this curriculum is meticulously designed to capture students' attention and foster deep understanding. Also, the variety of resources and learning opportunities cater to different learning styles and seamlessly aligns with our state standards. While playing the game students have opportunities to develop skills as readers, critical thinkers, writers, team players and above all else advance their social skills.”

Jess Moore, Jackson Elementary; Jackson, Wyoming

September 2019

“At the beginning of the week I was skeptical my students would be able to manage this much complexity. But after listening to them debrief their combined experiences during the last session, I realized ALL of my students were successful meeting the learning objectives. Now I’m skeptical adults could do what my students just did.”

4th grade teacher, Desert View Elementary, Rock Springs, WY

May 2019

“I really appreciated the time and effort you put into this Bozeman Trail game. It was very fun and engaging, and really grew my understanding of the 1800s. It also allowed me to studie [sic] the economy. It was really fascinating learning about how people loved consumerism and would get so wrapped up in it, they would kill other people just to get it. I definitely think that though there was so much emotion and greed I really think the WHOLE class enjoyed it. Thank you for a whole week of amazing, emotional, fascinating, fun, and very stressful week!!!”


“I’m not good at writing letters. But I would like to thank you for coming to our school. I’ve learned about figuring out peoples bias, and how to respect it. Thank you!”


“The game made me more confident for in later life and adult-hood: it made me better at dealing with making better disitions [sic] when I am stressed. You should play the game with adults then compare them to us…”

combined class of 4th/5th graders, Kelly School, WY

April 2018

“In my opinion this game is a fun way to learn the history of our past, it doesn’t make me want to sleep in history class, no offense to my teacher, but instead we learn something from it while being part of the game. The game helps us feel the way the people then did, we had empathy for them. I think this game should be played by many other schools, I think they would enjoy them.”

anonymous ELL student, Jackson Hole High School, Jackson, WY

June 2018

“The most yousfull [sic] thing is learning how to solve problums [sic] without a fight.”

“It is fun, and you get to learn new stuff about history everyday. You learn how people survived and helped or didn’t help people.”

anonymous 4th graders, Jackson Elementary, Jackson, WY

November 2017

“The students learned so much in such a short time. A good testament for the success of the game was that all of the students wanted to know when we could play it again.  As a teacher, that kind of enthusiasm tells me that it was a real success.”

Kathy Brower, St. Stephen’s BIE School, Riverton, WY